
Is internet good for teenagers?

  Currently internet making all of people live easier, especially for teenagers. There’s a lot of things that we can found on the internet. We can search what actually we want to know or knowdays we can buy anything on the internet. We already dependency to internet, we also spending so much time on the internet but it actually has negative things or positive things.  We cannot deny that social media is one of the biggest platforms to showcase up and coming talent. Many students are using social media to show their hidden talent. On this situation, as we know currently social media is so booming. example instagram or tiktok that almost every teenagers using that app. But sometimes teenager using social media too much or we can say addicted with it and wich takes up a lot of time. And the positive things they can do research on the internet that make their knowledge widen also they can sharing a lot of positive thinggs. Moreover, social media has been one of the best platforms for busin

Video Prosedure Text

Gambar This is link video procedure text that i made Aghnia Putri Nandita  XI MIPA 6 (01) HOW TO USE WASHING MACHINE??? If you can't tumble dry an item, then you'll see symbols that tell you how to air dry. Some garments need to be laid flat. 1. Add laundry detergent. Once you’ve chosen the right laundry detergent for your load, lplace the detergent into the empty drum or laundry dispenser drawer if your machine has one. 2. Add your clothes. Make sure you leave enough space at the top of the drum that you can fit a hand in. 3. Select the cycle according to your fabric care label. Follow the washing instructions on your clothing labels and pick the right cycle for your load. 4. Unload the laundry immediately so your clean clothes keep their freshness. A front loading washing machine is a little more complicated. You’ll find there are more buttons and dials, but apart from the choices, they are easy to use.

Review Movie

NICO’S WEG MOVIE This movie tells the story of  Nico who come from Spain and he visits Germany to meet his aunt, Yarras. After arrived  On the airport, he met with Lisa and Emma. unexpectedly when he was wait for a taxi, there was also someone who was waiting where Nico left his bag to play with a little child, Emma.  The bag that he left behind was carried in by the driver who wanted to take other passengers.  Nico is shocked and tries to catch the taxi, lucky to have Lisa, Emma's aunt who helps Nico find his bag which contains Nico's aunt's address, passport and cell phone.  Lisa's father is a policeman around and luckily he wants to help Nico find his aunt and bag. While he was there he lived with Lisa's friends, namely Sebastian, Nina and Nawin who happened to be having a farewell party for Nawin because he was going abroad to study.  While he was looking for bags and his aunt, he often helped Lisa like being a babysitter for Emma and helping Max in his cafe.  L

My goal my ambitions

What i wanna be in the future? Acctualy before this pandemic i have a big dream to be one of best job in the world, but i‘m not really expect to much now, because this circumstances hehe.. butt, i always pray that what’s best for me in the future.😇 So.. i just wanna say that my goal in this world is to be HAPPY, i dont wanna spend my time to do what i dont wanna do, i just want my live become a good and happy person. I dont wanna force myself to do something that make me feels bad, sad, depressed. And welcome to my live.. Now i really enjoy my live even this situation is not good for us but we have to thankfull god still give us health. But  there is definetely something that i dont like it, but i always said “that its not a big deal and i can handle that”. Hopefully i can have a business that make it by myself insyaallah until sucsessfull. After i have enough money, i will funneled my hobby and do something that make me happy and make other people always smile. (Still dream) Dream?ho


For IT and Eglish lesson! Do you know why we have to stay at home? Staying at home can help stop coronavirus spreading not go to work, school or public areas not use public transport or taxis not have visitors, such as friends and family, in your home not go out to buy food or collect medicine – order them by phone or online, or ask someone else to drop them off at your home You'll need to stay at home if you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) or live with someone who does. Staying at home means you should: You can use your garden, if you have one. You can also leave the house to exercise – but stay at least 2 metres away from other people. And assigment COVID-19 STUDENTS’ WORK SHEET CORONA VIRUS ( COVID-19)  THE INSTRUCTIONS : 1. Learn various information about Viruses and Corona Viruses from various sources that you can access from various media. 2. This material in this worksheet is only one alternative learning source


 BOMB HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI The Japanese and the American had begun their rivalry long before the bomb, over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki three days after the previous bomb, were dropped. The complicated story of Japan and The United States was started by the Japanese and eventually ended when the bomb has detonated.  On Dec 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor that is located in Hawaii. That moment later drew The United States to World War II. The attack resulted in more than 2,000 deaths. A year later after that, Enrico Fermi – a physicist at the University of Chicago – completed his experiment of building the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in part of an atomic program conducted by American scientists called the Manhattan Project.  (Regencia, 2015) Over the next several years, a part of the Manhattan Project team led by J. Robert Oppenheimer attempted to construct all of the materials that have been researched in Los Alamos, New Mexico into