My goal my ambitions

What i wanna be in the future?
Acctualy before this pandemic i have a big dream to be one of best job in the world, but i‘m not really expect to much now, because this circumstances hehe.. butt, i always pray that what’s best for me in the future.😇

So.. i just wanna say that my goal in this world is to be HAPPY, i dont wanna spend my time to do what i dont wanna do, i just want my live become a good and happy person. I dont wanna force myself to do something that make me feels bad, sad, depressed. And welcome to my live..

Now i really enjoy my live even this situation is not good for us but we have to thankfull god still give us health. But  there is definetely something that i dont like it, but i always said “that its not a big deal and i can handle that”. Hopefully i can have a business that make it by myself insyaallah until sucsessfull. After i have enough money, i will funneled my hobby and do something that make me happy and make other people always smile. (Still dream)

I really like traveling, lil bit photography and make my family smile, proud, and happy. But that dreams haven’t been reached now because this situation is impossible. But if this pandemic is over  i will traveling and doing some photography with my family or all of people that i love.

Now during the pandemic i can say i’m happy because i can spend a lot of time with my family in my home, sometimes i met my friend to sharing, or i’m going somewhere to refresh my brain when finished the lesson. 

I really can’t wait to traveling another country and socializing with a foreigner because i want to learn english more (to improve too) and wanna socializing with people another country who speak with english. My dream is want to try live and school in Melbourne. But what i said before that because of the situation and i’m not expect to much. 

Why i really want traveling another country after pandemic is over? Because i really want to know what’s going on in another city, that’s definetely different culture, place, situation, people, language. So i’m corious, and the question “what happend in every country” is always shadows in my mind. 

I like new challenges too, so if there is lil bit head of in the future i’m ready to face it and struggles it.  

Wanna know next?
I will tell you in the next blog!


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